• 横浜・綱島本部校045-544-6756
  • 自由が丘・田園調布校03-5483-5025
  • MENU




横浜市立中学校1年 M.O

In November 2022, I joined Akitani Academy after recognizing the value of Eiken grade 1. During the months I spent here, I focused on acquiring the necessary knowledge to achieve this grade. Even as someone who grew up in Europe, it wasn’t easy and at times it lead to moments of frustration; one particular struggle I encountered was memorizing the vocabulary since it consisted mostly of adult words. Additionally, I noticed that I had a tendency to skim through passages without fully reading them.


Nevertheless, Akitani Academy fostered a nurturing environment, and the absence of judgment allowed me to learn quickly and broaden my knowledge through the extensive reading we did, covering topics such as quantum computers, genetic engineering, etc. While we primarily focused on reading and vocabulary, we also dedicated time to improving our listening skills.


Moreover, I starting reading newspapers and online news articles, such as "Japan Times” - the information I obtained from these sources greatly aided me in the writing questions. Furthermore, when memorizing words, I always read sentences that contained those words, as doing so helped me develop a nuanced understanding of specific letter combinations.


Though my initial attempt at eiken grade 1 failed, my second attempt allowed me to pass with a +8: a 66% on the reading, an 89% on the listening and a 97% on the writing.


Overall, I must say that my journey in obtaining this grade has been difficult. Despite that, Akitani Academy instilled in me a genuine passion for learning and a deeper understanding of the English language. To all those who are also aiming for Eiken Grade 1, I wish you the very best of luck!







